Return of Customer Experience

Return on Customer Experience Investment Calculator

Find out how much money your company's call centre can save by optimising CX and increasing the return on investment.

Increase Your Return On Customer Experience

Many companies struggle to prove internally how important it is to improve the CX programme constantly. Calculate how much you can save by setting the CX strategy correctly and see how you can directly influence the customer experience to boost your company's business performance.

ROI Calculators

Calculate the ROCX of Your Call Center

Fill in the fields and find out how much your call centre can save by following a correct CX strategy, increasing employee motivation and efficiency, or solving process errors.

Our Clients Saved Money Thanks to a New CX Strategy

Dr. Max

Around 33% of your employees forget to upsell. A missing proactive upsell from front-line staff generated €250 000 of potential monthly revenue.


Early identification of churning customers and turning them into loyal ones can secure €200 000 of annual revenue.


As a result of its cooperation with Staffino, E.ON reduced the implementation time by more than 25% – from 21 to 15 days.