Experience Management

Employee Experience (EX)

The key to happy customers? Happy employees! Here's a comprehensive guide to understanding the employee experience (EX).

What Is Employee Experience (EX)?

The employee experience (EX) is a set of perceptions your employees have about your company in response to their interactions with it.

Employee experience begins the moment when a potential employee finds your job ad and ends when the employee stops working for your company. Throughout the employee lifecycle, the quality of every interaction the person has with their colleagues, company processes, policies and technologies shapes their final employee experience.

Employee Experience

The Importance of Employee Experience

An outstanding employee experience has become a business imperative in recent years. There is increasing evidence that when a company's employees are satisfied and motivated, the company achieves better business results.

A positive employee experience strengthens employees' sense of:

Belonging – the employees enjoy being a part of a team or an organisation

Purpose – the employees understand why their work matters

Achievement – the employees get a sense of accomplishment when they complete tasks

Happiness – the employees feel good about their job and the company

Engagement – the employees show energy and enthusiasm in their work

Save Big with the Right Employee Experience (EX) Strategy

When all of the above applies, the employees have better work performance and increased productivity, and the levels of employee retention are much higher.

Improved employee retention

Thanks to our employee experience software, a call centre saved €520,000 on attrition by engaging and motivating its agents.

How to Improve Employee Experience?

Generally, the best motivation factor is a financial reward. However, people nowadays expect more from their job than just fair compensation and the usual employee benefits. According to behavioural science, employees are inspired to give their best performance when they have a positive intrinsic motivation.

What do we mean by intrinsic? It simply means they need to enjoy doing their work and find the work they do meaningful.

The Most Effective Ways to Ensure a Positive Employee Experience (EX):

1. Good workplace relationships

Open communication and bonds between employees and their managers or coworkers are essential for better work efficiency


2. Fair compensation and benefits

Fair salary and perks are helpful tools to inspire employees to do their best

3. Alignment with company's mission and values

Aligning employees with the company's values increases transparency and boosts employee engagement


4. Full understanding of the KPIs

Set clear KPIs so that the employees understand what they need to accomplish

5. Appreciation and recognition

Employees need to feel that their work has value and should be regularly recognised for their achievements


6. Opportunities to grow

Offer your employees learning opportunities and support their career development through regular feedback sessions


1. Good workplace relationships

Open communication and bonds between employees and their managers or coworkers are essential for better work efficiency


2. Fair compensation and benefits

Fair salary and perks are helpful tools to inspire employees to do their best


3. Alignment with company's mission and values

Aligning employees with the company's values increases transparency and boosts employee engagement


4. Full understanding of the KPIs

Set clear KPIs so that the employees understand what they need to accomplish


5. Appreciation and recognition

Employees need to feel that their work has value and should be regularly recognised for their achievements


6. Opportunities to grow

Offer your employees learning opportunities and support their career development through regular feedback sessions

Employee Recognition Matters More Than You Think

Research shows that 70% of all employees feel they receive little or no recognition at work. Employees who know they will receive credit for their achievements have a stronger will to deliver results, affecting their productivity and consequently improving the organisation's business performance.

Recognition also increases the employees' loyalty to the company, which leads to higher retention.

Gamify Module

Gamification as a Tool for Employee Engagement

Employee engagement and employee experience are tightly knit. Employee engagement results from a positive employee experience; it is the enthusiasm and effort your employees demonstrate at work every day.

With higher engagement comes a proportional increase in employee retention, productivity, and the company's profitability, while disengagement can cost you a lot of money in lost productivity. Explore the possibilities of our team engagement software!

Employee Experience Surveys

Employee satisfaction is defined by how fulfilled and happy an individual is with their job. It results from material factors such as compensation and benefits and abstract elements such as employee recognition. Understanding how content or discontent your employees are at different stages of their lifecycle is vital for delivering a personalised employee experience.


Regular surveys of employee satisfaction should be the core of every employee experience management strategy. They can help you determine the overall health of your organisation, gain a deeper understanding of what hinders employees' productivity, what you could improve as an employer or a manager, and what experiences the employees find positive and motivating. At the same time, you will make them feel valued and cared for. The easiest way to conduct employee surveys is through an employee experience software.

These 5 steps will help you create an employee satisfaction survey:

  1. Set a clear purpose specify why are you doing the survey and how you will use the results
  2. Communicate it with the employees align the employees with the purpose of the survey
  3. Choose the type of the questions and survey length choose the proportion of multiple choice and open-text questions and make sure the survey is short and engaging
  4. Schedule the survey set a starting and ending time as well as a time for the analysis of the results in your employee experience software
  5. Take follow-up actions work with the results to improve employee satisfaction
Mystery Shopping

A Successful Business Starts with Motivated Employees

To see significant improvements in your business performance, stop investing for a second and start better optimising what you have already invested in – your employees and the processes they work with.

Regardless of the level of business strategies and the budget spent on marketing activities, a company will hardly succeed long-term without dedicated, hardworking employees.

Boost Business Performance with Our Team Engagement Software

Frontline employees play the most significant role in transforming the customer experience. Successful companies worldwide understand this and adopt a data-driven approach – they survey the link between their employee experience and customer satisfaction and revenue.

Happy, engaged employees result in more satisfied customers, who spend more money on the company's products and services and spread the good word about it.

Looking to improve your CX or EX?

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